You are Helping to Build a Better Future for GTC Students and the Upstate Community

Through the dedicated giving of donors like you, the Foundation can ensure scholarship funding, provide modern technology to classrooms, retain outstanding faculty members, and develop state of the art facilities.

  • $25 assists with bus fares and other transportation needs.
  • $50 pays for a required background check or textbooks.
  • $100 prevents a utility cut off.
  • $250 supports scholarships for students in need.

Financial gifts help bridge the gap, allowing students to persist in their educational goals. Your donation of any amount changes lives — empowering students to learn, grow, and thrive at Greenville Technical College.

provide quality college education

Other Ways to Give

To make a donation over the phone, please call 864-250-8536.

Make checks payable to the Greenville Tech Foundation, Inc. and mail to:
Greenville Tech Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 5616, MS 6002
Greenville, SC 29606

We ask you to include a donation form to ensure your gift is appropriately processed. If you’re an employee of Greenville Technical College click here to print a form, otherwise click here.

If you’re interested in making a pledge, these may be payable over a period of up to five years from the original date of your pledge. These payments can be made one time, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Anyone paying by credit card may click here to make your pledge online.

If you prefer, you can fill out a paper gift form and mail your pledge details to us: click here to print the form. Please mail the form to us at the address given at the top of the form, or scan and email it to [email protected].

The Caring Corner (part of the STAR Center) is an emergency food pantry located on the Barton campus of Greenville Technical College that serves both faculty/staff and students and helps connect recipients with additional campus/community resources.

Visit our Caring Corner Amazon Wish List to find items that are always needed. Please know that all items on this list are a suggestion and varying brands, quantities, etc., are more than welcome.

Thank you for making a difference. We appreciate your support!

Questions? Contact us today at [email protected].

To make a gift of appreciated securities that have been held for at least one year, inform your broker or bank and request they contact the Greenville Tech Foundation at (864) 250-8497. This gift may entitle the donor to an immediate income tax deduction for the current fair market value, as well as provide savings in capital gains tax. The value is based on the median price using the high and low prices of the security on the day it was transferred to the Foundation. For tax reasons, it is generally not advisable to sell appreciated securities and then donate the proceeds to the Foundation. It’s generally best to donate the appreciated securities instead. We recommend you contact your tax advisor for the latest information that is specific to your personal situation.

Gifts of real estate, personal property, equipment, office furniture, computers, and other in-kind items are counted at fair market value. Gifts valued at $5,000 or more require a qualified third-party appraiser, subject to applicable IRS rules and regulations. Appreciated assets must be held for at least one year before being donated to a charity if the donor intends to claim the appreciated value as a gift. We recommend you contact your tax advisor for the latest information that is specific to your personal situation.

Corporate matching gifts count toward your contribution and may significantly increase the value of your total gift. Check with your company to determine if a gift from you or your spouse is eligible for a Matching Gift. If you are eligible, enclose the company matching gift form with your donation.

There are many additional forms of giving that will help the students and college and may provide tax benefits or income for you.

  • Become a Member of the Legacy Society
    The distinguished Legacy Society honors planned giving donors for their support of the Greenville Tech Foundation’s mission. Legacy Society membership is for donors who have included the Foundation as a beneficiary in their will, estate plans, or other instrument at a value to exceed $10,000.
  • Planned Giving Options
    There are many options to explore, including:
  • Beneficiary Designations
  • Cash
  • Wills and Living Trusts
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Appreciated Securities
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Donor Advised Funds
  • Endowed Gifts
  • Life Insurance
  • Memorials and Tribute Gifts
  • Real Estate
  • Retirement Plan Assets
  • Tangible Personal Property

For More Information

We welcome the opportunity to have a confidential conversation with you at no obligation. For more information on any of the above options, please contact any of the below individuals at the Greenville Tech Foundation:

Babette Jones
Sr. Director of Development
(864) 250-8052
[email protected]

Ann Wright
Vice President for Advancement
(864) 250-8719
[email protected]

Sample Will/Bequest Language: 

For a specific sum: I, ________ hereby give, devise and bequeath the sum of $______ to the Greenville Tech Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The Greenville Tech Foundation, Inc. (federal tax identification number 57-0565961) is located at 556 Perry Avenue, Suite B110, Greenville, SC 29611.

Signature: _____________ Date: _______

Witness: ____________ Date: _______

For a percentage of estate: I, ________ hereby give, devise and bequeath ___% of my estate to the Greenville Tech Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The Greenville Tech Foundation, Inc. (federal tax identification number: 57-0565961) is located at 556 Perry Avenue, Suite B110, Greenville, SC 29611.

Signature: _____________ Date: _______

Witness: ____________ Date: _______

If you shop at, you now have the ability to support Greenville Tech Foundation every time you shop! Donate your spare change by automatically rounding up your orders to the nearest dollar when you checkout on

If you want to keep track of how big of an impact you’re making through Spark Good, you can view your impact on your Giving & Impact Dashboard in your account.

Learn more about Spark Good and sign up today! Visit the Foundation’s profile here:

“My degree means stability and a career I can always depend on. Nurses are needed desperately, and I will be able to provide for my children. I am so thankful for this support. One day, I want to be a donor. I want to help people like me, who are struggling through school.”-Shaquella